Thursday, 16 January 2014

Arain Genetic Roots

Few writers that I have red they believed that Arains were not Arabs but Indians. They argued in their essay that Arain have their genetic roots from India, they might be tested genetically few of Arains.
Four of my friends belong to Arain family got genetic test just to know the migrations of their ancient ancestors 1000 years ago. One out of four got his roots near Palestine and two of the remaining having roots from Uch Sharif Pakistan and the fourth have roots from middle of Iran.
In above paragraph I have written about four of my friends having different genetic roots but belonged to Arain family. It does not mean that they don't have any Arab background. Simply, we can answer that Arabs had their history of migration in all over the world not just India. Arabs reached in America before Columbus so after 1000 years of that migration their genetic history was completely different because of mother side that was American.
Same happened here in Subcontinent, Those Arabs who came here as traders and had been living at Indian coastline with there families remain genetically Arab (small in number) but those who came as soldiers and got married in India changed genetically after a long time.
We have already write on this that Arain's father side is Arab but mother side is Indian.
Secondly, there is a genetic disorder among the Arabs because of migration and mixed cultural marriages. 

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